A couple shots of me and my new buddy. Nights are much warmer. SHE says so too, especially now that her bed has arrived! There's been lots of movement around the house lately...men brought stuff in and today HE and Uncle-HE loaded lots of cardboard into the car and took it away. They brought back a couple pieces of wood too...hanging out of the Honda. Wonder how much longer they'll overburden that little car.
I see lots of trucks with happy dogs hanging their tongues out, ears flapping in the breeze. Maybe I'll be one of them before too long so we'll all fit into the Alaska resident category better:-) HE and Uncle-HE put lots of new wood on this structure. SHE calls it the foundation for her 'new' greenhouse. At least now when we walk out on it, we don't get yelled at and it doesn't make creaking noises and my paws don't fall through. And no, we don't know why the original residents built it out over the hillside on this structure. We are waiting to see what the sun does through out the year to see if there will be a major revelation as to why this was the perfect place.
We still get yelled at though when we nap in our new sandbox...can't figure out why she goes insane whenever she finds us in it!?! Garden, what's that? Grizzly likes the little posts in the corner. That dog sure can chew wood. Anyone ever need bark stripped from logs ought to come see us. It'll be done with pleasure. I remember I used to like a nice stick now and again when I was a bit younger. Those chair legs back in New Haven were pretty good until SHE sprayed them with something. Getting yelled at a couple times for that too cured me of chewing on things other than my sanctioned nylabone! Grizzly's not all civilized just yet...puppies!