Suess's Alaskan Adventure

Saturday, May 20, 2006

SHE's a knitter

SHE has finally gotten going on some of her knitting projects again, disappearing to that Stitcher and Bitcher thing. SHE seemed so pleased. Once Alaska cleared her brain a bit SHE figured out the problem on the sweater sleeve (tear your eyes away from me and its the green thing on the floor). SHE apparently has these too short arms and the pattern as written would have had sleeves hanging down to her knees...SHE didn't ask me but I think that could have been a good idea...more to play with:-) The green thing on the couch smells wonderful and tickles the nose just right. The pink and blue thing started out much bigger but then suddenly, crazily SHE washed and washed it and now its much smaller (why SHE wasted so much time making it big just to turn around and make it small is beyond me...but who asks just the dog?)


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